Finnian Burnett

Looking to brush up your writing skills or learn a new trick or two? You've come to the right place! Check back weekly for helpful tips and articles that make your writing better. 

Finnian Burnett is a doctoral student and a college instructor who teaches creative writing and English literature. Finn has published several novels, but their true writing love is flash fiction. They’ve shortlisted or won with Bath Flash, Bridport Prize, Blank Spaces Magazine, The London Story Prize, Reflex Press and more.

The Clothes Make the Man, a flash fiction collection about Arthur, a trans man navigating academia, was recently released by Ad Hoc Publishing and their next collection is forthcoming through Off Topic Publishing. Finn’s passion is mentoring emerging writers and helping others find their own passion for writing.

In their spare time, Finnian watches a lot of Star Trek. Finn lives in BC with their wife and Lord Gordo, the cat. 

blog posts by Finnian Burnett

vintage library with a globe in the aisle
June 2024

In Narrative Voice: Point of View and Tenses, we looked at the difference between various points of view; now we'll consider how to put that information to good use. The question is: How do you,… read more

tuscan town
May 2024

In my last post, we established a basic definition of a scene — specifically that each scene has a beginning, a middle, and an end. Next, we'll look at several key elements that every well-crafted… read more

tuscan landscape
April 2024

One of my biggest struggles as an emerging writer was understanding the concept of a scene and how it differed from the overall events of the book. After all, if I plotted the beats* in my novel,… read more

traffic signs
February 2024

Write what you know. Have you been given that advice?  Most likely. And it can be great advice. If you’re a neurosurgeon and you’re writing hospital thrillers, you have an inside… read more

find your voice
January 2024

Before we dive into how to find your author voice, we have to ask: What the heck even is an author voice?

Years ago, when I wrote my second novel, one of my friends said they would recognize… read more

November 2023

Have you ever read a story with a setting so rich, it felt almost as if the setting was a character itself?

Some authors seem to have an innate talent for creating vivid settings. The… read more

October 2023

Action and reaction in fiction writing are used to describe the difference between plot versus motivation or the correlation between events and consequences. 

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August 2023

Conveying emotions in your work can be difficult, but it’s an important part of the craft. Offering insight into your characters’ feelings helps your reader develop empathy for them. When a… read more