Rebecca Stanisic

Looking to brush up your writing skills or learn a new trick or two? You've come to the right place! Check back weekly for helpful tips and articles that make your writing better. 

Rebecca Stanisic is a writer, speaker, and digital content creator. She's been blogging on her parenting website, A Little Bit of Momsense, since 2009. For over 12 years, she has worked with entrepreneurs and small business owners to create intentional digital content to help them meet their business goals. She's the proud mom of two, living in Ottawa, and is fueled by fiction and coffee.

blog posts by Rebecca Stanisic

July 2024

Have you thought about creating writing goals to help keep your writing on track?

Maybe you have story ideas and some characters and settings for your novel but you want accountability to… read more

a blackboard covered in arrows
March 2024

Do you have a crowd of characters in your head, each with their own personality and description? Have you played out imaginary scenes for these or some other unknown characters? Have you developed… read more

June 2023

Finding time to write as a busy parent can be challenging. In a previous blog post, we offered tips to help you write your novel no matter how old your children are… read more

April 2023

Parents, does this sound familiar?

You’ve had a novel swirling around in your head for some time; characters form while you're driving in the car. Plot twists develop in the shower. Worlds… read more